Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017

Sand Coin - The World's First Sand Quarry Development Project With The Blockchain

What Is Sand Coin ?

Sand Coin is the first sand mining project to be funded through enhanced cryptocurrency and through the manufacture of a cryptocurrency token for the mining of non-metallic materials. Sand Coin is a derivative of blockchain based on a real product.

Surely this will make a big advantage, since Sand Coin has given birth to a new economic system that has combined the construction business, non-metallic materials through blockchain technology. And will enable private companies and other business owners to participate in new digital economic development projects. This project was implemented in Moscow.

The Purpose Of The Sand Coin Project : 

The goal of the project is to raise funds via a blockchain system and an ICO to develop a sand quarry in the Moscow Region. Through creating a real product based blockchain option for a low price and issuing Sand Coin, which includes entering the cryptocurrency market and subsequent buy back, we offer a profitable asset to interested buyers.


  1. Raising $3 528 500 for financing the sand quarry development.
  2. Sand quarry development, building infrastructure and purchase of equipment, acquisition of the final required documentation.
  3. Mining and sale of the product
  4. Development of new quarries under the Sand Coin project.
  5. Integration of partners - other sand quarries and non-metallic material deposits into Sand Coin.

About Sand Coin Project :

The first inspiration of sand extraction and subsequent trade is at the first moment of crisis. Sand may be needed everywhere and there is no set of construction that works without sand. In this way, the sand is much more reliable than any other world currency.

The company has more than 100 hectares of land in the Moscow region where geosynthetics has been completed. The soil has been drilled every 300 meters and soil composition has been studied. Initial estimates of specialists indicate that the volume of sand in the mine is 14.4 million square meters as minimum. The company has been granted a sand extraction license from the Geological Institute of the Federal Subsoil Natural Resource Management Agency of the Russian Federation. 

The mine is located at 10 km from the planned intersection of Central Circular Road. In fact, this is a real treasure with quick access facilities from the capital. But how to mine this treasure?The team considered a variety of sand excavation fund raising options. Money - this is not a matter of laughing as we are talking about millions of rubles. One real way to earn money is to get a loan but this idea has been rejected. The loan interest rate is very high and the business loses its profits.

The second option is to work with private investors but the risks are clear. You may be dealing with fraud and unfair partners and lose everything you have. If the extraction volume of the sand has been many times less, we will sell the unextracted sand to the constructor in a straight line. But every separate company requires only a certain part, not a whole game. The commencement of mine extraction demands a substantial cash injection: extending electricity, hiring qualified people, building administrative blocks, obtaining all the necessary equipment.Facing these tasks, we have noticed the ICO.

Today Sand Coin is a blockchain choice based on Ethereum and is backed by a real product - cubic meters of sand. The token itself represents the cubic meter of sand that is actually located in the mine. The Sand Coin team is currently collecting funds to extract it.

Sand Coin owns a land area of ​​109 hectares (269,354 hectares) in the Moscow Region.
This land is located 60 km from Moscow and 10 km from the hotel location of intersection of Central Ring Road.This land is valued at $1.8 million as a real estate property, without the value of prospective sand mining.

Based on a survey conducted with 16 drill holes on the 300x300 grid meters and 5 drill holes on the 300x300 meter grid, the SandCoin team can evaluate the sand source from the R1 category, and in the near future confirm the existence of the sand source of the S2 category. And have done drilling assessment by core extraction and sample test extraction.

Drilling is done up to 16 meters in depth, and yields following result:
  1. Topsoil 0,15 meters (stripping 15 centimeters)
  2. Sand, medium and coarse to the depth of up to 16 meters
  3. Water cut from the depth of 4 meters
Extracted and ready for sale product will consist of grade 1 and grade 2
  1. Very fine sand - fineness modulus of 1.0 - 1.5
  2. Fine sand - fineness modulus - 1.5 - 2.0
  3. Medium sand - fineness modulus - 2.0 - 2.5
  4. Coarse sand - fineness modulus - 2.5 - 3.0
Project implementation plan

This is an opportunity for investors financially in the SandCoin project, since the project is implemented through a blockchain platform and based on a real project - cubic meters of mortar sand.

The total volume of sand is estimated to be 14.4 million cubic meters. The average market price of 1 cubic meter of sand is $5.30.
Estimated total earnings of the quarry - 14 400 000 m3 * $5.30 = $76 320 000.

The volume of sand sold during pre-ICO and ICO - 3.4 million m3 = 3 400 000 SAND COIN. 
The price offered to buyers during crowdsale $0.95 - $1.35 = 1 m3 ($0.95 - $1.35 = 1 SAND COIN).

The maximum amount of funds raised through crowdsale is $3 528 600.

Detail Sand Coin ICO :

ICO will be held in September - October 2017

  • During the ICO buyers will be offered to purchase cryptocurrency tokens equal to 3 170 000 cubic meters of sand (3 170 000 SAND COIN)
  • 1 SAND COIN = $1.25 - $1.35
  • The minimal milestone of the ICO is equal to the amount required for the first stage of quarry development - $1 175 000

Sand Coin's Team Believes In The Positive Outcome

According to professional forecasts, by 2018 the price of one sandcoin will be equal to the market price of construction sand - about $ 5.30 per cubic meter. In other words, the investor can earn fourfold profit. From October 2017 to April 2018, the company will be busy with pre-construction activities: getting cable, infrastructure development, equipment purchases. 

By May 2018 it will be an access point - that means the start of extracting sand excavations. By 2020, the works will slide into the second mine.In the summer of 2018, buy-out tokens will begin. The company plans to buy 10% sandcoins annually and, as a result, prices will rise proportionally with the reduction in quantity.

About investment
About a hundred people participated in the pre-ICO. The average purchase amount is $ 2,500. About 10 people invest in stock - $ 20-60.000 one time only. The uniqueness of sandcoin is in the price. It's three times less than a cubic meter of sand, but actually sandcoin is the same.

According to specialist estimates, there will be about 90 000 cubic meters of sand per month as the mine begins to work. The market price of one cubic meter is $ 5.30 so the profit will be almost $ 500,000 per month. At this level, the mine will be completely extracted in 13.5 years. So what's that? We have some good ideas how to use this land efficiently. One of these ideas is replacing sand mining with fishery.

We experienced an incredible building boom in the Moscow region today. The economy is experiencing steady growth and the housing market is growing very fast. In Moscow and in the Moscow region, large-scale residential developments are planned for slums, about 60 million square meters.

Transport infrastructure is growing rapidly. The middle road highway is under construction and the development of the transport connections within it. Construction of Moscow's new speed highway - Noginsk - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan with a length of more than 800 km not far away. This means the sand requirement for this project will continue to grow.

We're happy to remind you, that the SandCoin team announced the date of ICO - 18/09/2017.

Roadmap Of Sand Coin Project

Team From Sand Coin

For More Information Please Visit The Link Below :

Created By : Dxdiax26
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