Minggu, 08 Oktober 2017

Anacoin  - Peace Through Technology With Cryptocurrency

Technology is very useful for everyone, especially in the world of eknomi. The concept of economics has advanced rapidly now penetrated into the digital world. Even for a payment can be done with a digital currency we call cryptocurrencies. The growing cryptocurreny can be utilized for the benefit of everyone who is involved in it.

Technology can be functioned in various fields such as economics, science, social welfare even in terms of world peace. Well ico project that I discussed this concept of world peace pembanggunan through blockchain technology called Ananas . 

What is Ananas?
Ananas is a non profit foundation committed to promoting peace and fighting hate through technology. We are building an interactive platform that models the ontologies of ideologies, providing easy to use tools that can be used to better understand key texts. Our platform creates authoritative resources around which communities can gather and our aim for the future is to make accurate digital texts accessible to everyone. 

We are doing this because the information age is threatening to fall into an age of misinformation. Fake news and alternative facts seem more popular than peace and truth. A new era of understanding is required.

Internet as a medium of communication, is the most widely used internet function where every internet user can communicate with other users from all over the world. Can be used as an information field for education, culture, and can bridge the ease of transacting and doing business in the field of trade so there is no need to go to the place of bidding / selling.

But from every positive thing the benefits of the internet, we must find a lot of negatives such as: Fraud is rampant in any field. The Internet did not escape the attack of fraudsters. The best way is to ignore this or confirm the information you get with the information provider. False information too often we encounter in the internet so many sources are misleading.

Ananas platform is able to provide security as well as service and create a variety of peace with both. Providing a positive impact in the future, by improving the quality of technology and human resources better and more creative. That way every member who participates in this project will get the benefits and extra benefits as well. Thereby fostering a better and better and brighter economic and social economy in the future. 

Platform in blockchain ethereum technology, this project issued its own currency under the name Anacoin. Aims to align every interest of a group, and reward trusted members and contributors.

How does Ananas work?
Society is filled with an immense diversity of cultures and communities, each with unique ways of looking at the world, of how things work and should be. While this can enrich culture, modern times have shown these differences can also lead to conflict. At Ananas we are building a platform to promote understanding of your own community or that of others and we believe that the best way to understand others is to simply talk to them. 

While you might start with a very different view of the world, if you find a common language and perspective, you can usually get a far better grasp of their views than reading something lacking in context from an unverified source.

The unique ecosystem of plaform protects against bad influences, and aligns goals through incentive and reward systems. Everyone needs this token to participate in every function and become a member. No data will be stored in this project so with the blockhain system everyone will be able to do something good in their own way.

" With the help of a growing community, we can create valuable sources of knowledge, culture and subjectivity that make a difference meaningfully and build world peace."

Detail Token Ananas
The flexibility of the Ethereum platform has led to an explosion of innovative financing and coordination mechanisms as a “Token” economy has appeared in recent years. The Ananas platform uses its own proprietary token, Anacoins (ANAT), built on the Ethereum protocol, to drive the incentive alignment of participants in the ecosystem to achieve our goals. 
 Many coins/tokens issued in initial coin offerings today make outlandish promises or add no utility to the underlying application or platform utility. In this framework.

as well as preparation of the initial public offering tokens. You can support the project and by itself. Power will be visible through Etherea. Token sale launch date 18th september 2017.Date of sale October 16, 2017, price 1 ANAT token 0.02 $ .In ICOU can participate in 
the following link: https://ananas.org.uk/crowdsale

Token Distribution
The supply of Anacoins is limited to one billion (1,000,000,000), an amount we believe will allow for appropriate distribution across the global population as the platform grows. 

The planned initial allocation of Anacoin is as follows:
  • 2%, 20.000.000 - Bounties and Sale Costs Bounty Details can be found in our bounty bitcointalk thread: (thread will be added here)
  • 8%, 80.000.000 - Team.Team Anacoins are frozen until the following two conditions are met:i) Time: At least 1 year has passed from the main sale,ii) Market: the Anacoin market cap has passed $100 million and daily traded value $1 million a day on a thirty day average on coinmarketcap.com or equivalent (excluding any placements), at which point 25% (20,000,000 Anacoins) are unfrozen. Once the market cap exceeds $500 million and the daily traded $10 million a day on a thirty day average (excluding any placements), the remaining 75% (60,000,000 Anacoins) are unfrozen. We believe this is a superior model to timed release as, when things are calmed down after a year, the market will reward (or otherwise) value creation on the platform.
  • 7.5% 75,000,000 - Early Funders & Advisors Of the funder’s coins, 36% will be available immediately, whilst 64% are locked for 1 year. The advisors’ coins will vest equally for a 25 month period, starting from the end of the token distribution.
  • 7.5%, 75,000,000 - Follow on We are positive on the value of Anacoins and so will release the remaining 75,000,000 steadily into the market over the next two years when the market has determined an appropriate price.
  • 15%, 150,000,000 - Main crowdsale (18th of September) Coins will be at 50 coins per dollar ( $0.02 each), with distribution to contributors calculated at the end-of-day exchange rate for the chosen currency relative to the dollar The main sale will have a hard cap of $3 million as we believe this is sufficient to build the core of the platform over the next 18 months to a high quality. There is a soft-cap of $1.5 million. Half of this round will be for institutional investors and half in a crowdsale depending on demand.
  • 60%, 600,000,000 - Foundation’s Strategic Fund The Ananas Foundation retains 60% of the float as a strategic resource, which will be allocated to major contributors (excluding staff and advisors) and carefully chosen partnerships. This strategic resource will be used for the sole purpose of improving the platform and ecosystem, which is in the interests for all involved parties. Half of the strategic resource will be only made available on a ‘use or lose’ condition: recipients can only use the tokens on the platform. An example of a strategic partnership would be with a religious organisation or research group, motivated to participate in the Ananas ecosystem. The other half of our resource will not involve a 'use or lose’ condition, but will still be heavily driven by a trust in the recipient's’ interests aligning with those of Ananas. This ensures the ecosystem will grow develop to benefit the token holders, the ecosystem, and the rest of our valuable supporters.
Roadmap Ananas
Tim Ananas

You can get more information by following the link :
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