Senin, 25 September 2017

easyMINE - Cryptocoin Mining Made Simple

easyMINE is a comprehensive software platform that is coded to create and work with small and medium sized mining operations. Many of us find mining that is intimidating and complex.easyMINE is specially designed to give overall control or setting in your mining equipment as closely as possible. No matter whether you are newbie or senior in terms of mining, it's designed so you can easily understand it as it's called easyMINE.

Goal Of EasyMINE Project
EasyMINE aims to make the whole process, from the initial setup to the daily operations to be very simple, automatic, and away from the hassle. Like using a smartphone you can detect anything in your machine / tool mining and manage it.

Getting Crypto mining hardware is a challenge but still running it uninterrupted is a whole other thing. This requires you to keep an eye on your hardware, make necessary adjustments and improvements. Even keeping a single mine rig can be a daunting task.
This is where easyMINE's role comes into play - making the overall mining process as simple as possible. Everything from setup to maintenance is made automatic and simple.

The easyMINE operating system will then automatically configure for you - tamper with hardware and software components for maximum gain, security and stability. Not only that, you can do far off monitor rig and tweak the settings easily from the easyyMINE dashboard. So, even if you're traveling or away from the Rig, you're always in control.

How EasyMINE Works?
With easyMINE, you will be able to start cryptocurrencies in just 3 easy steps:
  • Download the easyMINE OS package to the flash drive
  • Attach the flash drive to your mining machine
  • Boot it up
The easyMINE operating system will automatically configure all hardware and software components for maximum stability, efficiency, and profitability. You can even monitor the status of your mining tool remotely and adjust its settings directly from the easyMINE dashboard. Even without the need to touch your mining tool, you will always be able to update the latest of your mining as a whole and control it directly from easyMINE.

Why should easyMINE?
Running a cryptocurrency mine-big or small-is not easy. Just getting the hardware to run can be a challenge. Getting them to run well requires real effort and knowledge. Keep it up-just think it's another ballgame. Constant monitoring, updates, adjustments, improvements.Even a single mining rig can mean a lot of work, to say there are not a few dozen. EasyMINE aims to create an entire process - from initial setup to day-to-day operations - simple, automated, and extremely free of hassle.

EasyMINE platform
EasyMINE OS (eMOS). A custom Linux distribution that is specifically optimized for cryptocurrency mining. Includes all required system components, GPU drivers, pre-installed mining software for various currencies, and easyMINE script packages for management and hardware communication with easyMINE servers. Developed with an open source license.

Server is easyMINE. The main module of the platform. Controls the operation of individual mining machines. Depending on the AI-based performance optimization algorithm to adjust hardware settings (BIOS version, core voltage, clock frequency, etc.) and mining parameters (currency, pool, etc.). Collect performance data and make it available to users.

EasyMINE Mobile. Special mobile app administration module for iOS and Android devices. Allows for remote management of mining machines connected to easyMINE servers.

EasyMINE dashboard. Administrative module The online configuration and management interface, accessible via a web browser. Allows remote monitoring and control of mining engines connected to easyMINE servers.

Details Token and ICO easyMINE:
To fund the project, this project will issue 33,000,000 easyMINE tokens ( EMT ). This token will be based on the Ethereum Classic (ETC) platform and managed by ClassicEtherWallet.

The price will be lowered by 0,000001 ETC per block, from 1 EMT = 0.2 DLL to 1 EMT = 0.002 ETC. The purchase price of the EMT will be determined at the close of the sale and will be the same for anyone who sends the ETC to the specified contract address. (In this way, between 2,500,000 and 27,000,000 EMT will be sold, generating up to 500,000 ETCs). The remaining unsold tokens will be burned. This will make the current price of the coin launching increasing rapidly. Very good info for investors who buy a lot of these tokens.
  • Participants Crowdsale 27,000,000 EMT (81.8%) 
  • Pre-ICO buyer bonus: 2,000,000 EMT (6.1%) 
  • easyMINE developer team: 1,500,000 EMT (4.6%) 
  • Project advisor: 500,000 EMT (1.5% ) 
  • Bounty Program: 1,000,000 EMT (3.0%) 
  • easyMINE Corporation: 1,000,000 EMT (3.0%)
For More Information Can Visit Link Below:
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Minggu, 24 September 2017

Reality Clash - Mobile Game With Ethereal Blokchain Technology Attractive

Crypto coin lovers come back with me Bountyhunter26, this time I want to introduce the first Online Game in the World supported by Blockchain Ethereal , I want to introduce Game Reality Clash game using geo map technology . This game I think is so interesting because this online game how to play the camera phone as the background catch screen available in android and Iphone , with geo location technology that is able to put the player accurately and get the opponent quickly and precisely. This game can be played with friends who are connected in one network, can be played with teams, tournaments, making camps, long-distance or close games and organizing battles in urban areas, parks and forests.are you curious about this one online game? ok just see the explanation below :)

What is Reality Clash?
Reality Clash is the first Online Game project in the World that uses Ethereal Blockchain Technology with Fighter Reality FPS game . A new online game using the camera phone as the background catch screen. We can also connect friends at the same time using Geo Map Technlogy .

About Reality Clash
  • A new revolutionary gameplay.
  • No attachments or add-ons.
  • Using the phone camera, displays an enlarged reality picture on the phone screen.
  • Real-world buildings have an impact on gameplay.
  • Connect to friends in real time using geo map technology.
  • Join a team and a private tournament or choose a battle mode remotely.
  • Traffick and sell your weapons through the Clash Reality platform or the secondary market with money.
  • Speculate about weapons and become virtual weapons agents.
How Does Reality Clash Can Make Money?
Reality Clash will issue a token named RCC (REALITY CLASH COINS GOLD)which suport ERC-20 with Ethereum Blockcahin base.

The distribution of Tokens to be sold is as many as 100,000,000 RCC tokens , about 50,000,000 RCC will be sold in Pre-Sale time and the remaining 50,000,000 PRC will be sold during ICO time. By purchasing RCC Token in Pre-Sale will get 50% bonus from the amount we invest in Relity clash with minimum purchase of 10 $ .

In-app purchases Buy Reality Clash RCC Gold coins can be purchased During the sale of RCC Silver tokens can be purchased from the iPhone & Android app Store At game launch.

Trading Platform All Armory & RCC Gold will be sold or traded ECR-20 on the Clash Reality platform or the secondary market.

Advertising We will earn money from advertising and Game marketing within the app.

Sales Token Reality Gaming Group funding will raise the minimum $ 1.5m through the sale of an ICO token. Eereereum is used as the primary key crypt from which Clash Coins is purchased .

Goals & Vision Reality Clash will be the most comprehensive and sophisticated combat reality game in Indonesia. Market, supported by Etherum Blockchain.

The team behind Reality Clash has worked in the game for decades and was involved in many hit Ltles from AcLvison, Disney, UbiSoh and Microsoh . A playable demo has been developed. Following Token Sale, the funds will be used to develop the game to MVP (worthy minimum product) and trading Launch Trading Platform Nov 2017 Launch of MVP game in Q3 2018.

RCC Gold Coin Comparison And RCC Silver

RCC Gold will only be available during token sales. 
RCC Silver will be available for purchase via iPhone + Android App Store at launch of Q3 2018.

Price Comparison RCC Coins Gold same RCC Silver Coins. For the price of RCC Gold coins will be priced at $ 0.30 per RCC Gold during Pre-Sale and ICO time while for the price of RCC Silver will be priced at $ 1 per Silver RCC.

Free Coins Bonus. We will get an extra RCC free coin bonus if we buy RCC Gold but if we buy RCC Silver we will not receive Free coins.

Exclusive Weapons. We will get an exclusive weapon if we buy RCC Gold but if we buy RCC Silver we will not receive exclusive weapons.

Exclusive In Levels and Upgrade Games. We will get exclusive games and we can upgrade exclusively if we buy RCC Gold but if we buy RCC Silver we will not accept exclusive in level and Upgrade game.

Initial Access To Demo. Maksut from initial akse to Demo is for us who buy RCC Gold then we will be able to use Demon Platform but not for RCC Silver buyer.

Inviting Tournament Launching Time. We will be able to invite the launching time of the tournament if we buy RCC Gold but not for RCC Silver buyers.

Exclusive Leaderboard For Founder Medal Members. We will be able to check our peringakat Exclusively if we buy RCC Gold but not for RCC Silver buyers.

Arms Trading. We will be able to trade our Weapons on the Reality Clash Platform if we buy RCC Gold and RCC Silver.

Sell ​​coins. We will be able to trade our Coins on the Reality Clash Platform if we buy RCC Gold but can not be for RCC Silver coin holders.

For More Information Can Visit Link - Link Below:
  1. Website:
  2. Whitepaper:
  3. Twitter:
  4. Facebook  :
  5. Slack:
  6. Youtube:
  7. Bitcointalk ANN THREAD:
Created By: Dxdiax26

My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=969150
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Cryptogene - Jelajahi Potensi Teknologi Dengan Blockchain

Latar Belakang
Cryptogene didirikan pada pertengahan Desember 2016 sebagai komunitas Telegram di mana warga Negara dari seluruh dunia berkumpul untuk berbagi informasi yang bermanfaat dan dapat dipercaya mengenai cryptocurrency dan Teknologi Blockchain.Dengan trend yang bermunculan pada global cryptocurrency space, ada kebutuhan untuk memperbaiki, mengikutsertakan dan mencari solusi permasalahan di luar sekitar komunitas grup chat online. Menciptakan lebih banyak pengetahuan publik,mengembangkan, dan mengelola persepsi masyarakat akan teknologi serta integrasi yang lebih cepat ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari menjadi hal yang terpenting. Ini akan dikembangkan lebih jauh untuk menampung kepentingan pada pembangunan yang berharga dan solusi untuk menyelesaikan masalah cryptocurrency dengan menggunakan Teknologi Blockchain.

Membuat suatu negara menjadi lebih maju merupakan tujuan yang sangat mulia. Apalagi yang kita bisa sangat bermanfaat kepada kesejahteraan mereka. Bukan hal yang tidak mungkin untuk membuat suatu misi dengan mengunakan teknologi blockchain. Cryptogene akan memberikan sesuatu kepada masyarakat afrika dengan memberikan solusi berbasis blockchain. Cryptogene menargetkan Afrika sebagai basis utamanya dan berusaha menciptakan integrasi dan pengembangan yang lebih baik dengan menggunakan sejumlah keuntungan yang ditawarkan oleh teknologi blockchain. 

Kemudian negara-negara yang ada di Afrika merupakan target utama kami. Melalui pendidikan, memberikan pengetahuan dengan berbagai cara, pelaksanaan layanan yang berbasis pada teknologi blockchain, dan metode-metode tersebut merupakan cara Cryptogene dalam membangun sebuah pusat yang akan membawa secara umum teknologi blockchain di Afrika. Sesuatu yang sangat berharga akan ditujukan ke beberapa individu berdasarkan antusia mereka dalam mencapainya melalui aplikasi dan menggunakan blockchain tools dengan menghasilkan produk berkualitas dan layanan end-user, hal ini merupakan usaha dari proyek Cryptogene.

Cryptogene dikembangkan sampai sejauh ini untuk menampung kepentingan pada pembangunan yang berharga dan solusi untuk menyelesaikan masalah cryptocurrency dengan menggunakan teknologi blockchain. Hal ini yang menjadikan latar belakang terbentuknya Cryptogene, yaitu para komunitas Telegram di mana warga negara dari seluruh dunia berkumpul untuk berbagi informasi yang bermanfaat dan dapat dipercaya mengenai cryptocurrency dan teknologi blockchain.

Apa Itu Cryptogene ?
Cryptogene adalah komunitas yang dinamis yang didedikasikan untuk berbagi pengetahuan tentang teknologi kriptografi dan blockchainterutama di benua Afrika serta penerapan dan penerapannya.

Tim Cryptogene akan terus bekerja sama untuk menyediakan berbagai kasus penggunaan untuk token CGT. Namun, kasus penggunaan awal kami akan mencakup,namun tidak terbatas pada:
  1. Cryptogene-Learn (DIGEST)
  2. Cryptogene-Mart (BlockMART)
  3. Cryptogene-Ex (Havene)
  4. Cryptogene-Talk (Spiel)
  5. Cryptogene-Build (Silk)
  6. Cryptogene Token (CGT)
  7. Cryptogene-Learn (DIGEST)

Kebanyakan usaha akan mengekspor profesional dan pengetahuan, cara terbaik untuk memperoleh keterampilan, berbagi pengetahuan dan pengembangan keterampilan lokal yang efektif adalah integrasi dan promosi konten lokal dengan berbagi pengetahuan pada dalam negeri.

Cryptogene-Mart (BlockMART)
Sistem pembayaran merupakan bagian fundamental dari sistem moneter masyarakat manapun. Mereka membantu membentuk moneter dan kerangka kerja fiskal di negara manapun. Dengan membantu transaksi moneter untuk pembayaran barang dan jasa,sistem pembayaran memudahkan pengembangan produk dan perusahaan, meningkatkan laju ekspansi ekonomi, meningkatkan integrasi pasar keuangan regional dan berkontribusi terhadap implementasi kebijakan ekonomi yang efektif.Karena itu, ini sama sekali tidak pada tempatnya untuk menolak pentingnya sistem pembayaran yang baik berkontribusi pada integrasi ekonomi regional yang sukses di wilayah yang sangat heterogen seperti wilayah kami Afrika.

Cryptogene-Ex (Havene)
Saat ini, setiap negara Afrika memiliki mata uang tradisional tersendiri, namun, orang Afrika tidak dapat melakukan transaksi keuangan cross border karena kesulitan dengan penukaran berbagai fiat nasional. Hal ini menghambat integrasi ekonomi regional dan membuat banyak orang Afrika secara sosio-ekonomi terasingkan dari mereka dan dari belahan dunia lain.

Cryptogene-Talk (Spiel)
Banyak pakar pembangunan dan praktisi mengakui bahwa pengetahuan,, bahkan,berbagi informasi adalah bagian hidup dari pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang berkelanjutan. Kenyataan ini telah menghasilkan peningkatan pengetahuan yang telah menyebabkan tren baru dalam mempromosikan dan Menyebarkan kegiatan development-oriented untuk berbagi pengetahuan. Berkaitan erat dengan perhatian tinggi untuk berbagi pengetahuan adalah harapan tinggi yang ditempatkan pada keuntungan dan dampak efisiensi dengan penggunaan pengetahuan online dan information sharing tools.

Cryptogene-Build (Silk)
Usaha kecil dan menengah yang berkembang di Afrika sangat mendorong ekonomi dan memberikan bagian lebih besar dari pekerjaan lokal. Meskipun globalisasi telah memberi peluang kepada perusahaan start-up dan bisnis Afrika yang memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk memperluas layanan dan kontribusi mereka secara global.Mereka dihadapkan pada beberapa masalah yang sebagian besar eksklusif untuk Afrika.

Cryptogene Token (CGT)
Ini adalah mata uang asli Platform Cryptogene. Ini akan dikeluarkan pada platform waves. Sebagai mata uang yang terdesentralisasi tanpa otoritas nyata, CGT akan memungkinkan biaya lebih murah dan transaksi cross-border yang lebih banyak diterima antar negara Afrika daripada pembayaran mobile yang saat ini populer. Semua proyek Cryptogene akan diintegrasikan dengan CGT. Jumlah yang cukup besar akan dihasilkan dan dijual selama crowdsale untuk mengumpulkan dana untuk proyek Cryptogene. Para pengembang Cryptogene akan memegang beberapa jumlah untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan sepanjang jalur saat stake. Persentase total yang akan dijual pada crowdsale akan didasarkan pada rasio yang adil untuk memastikan ekonomi internal yang sempurna, mendukung program buy back.Hanya ada beberapa jumlah dalam sirkulasi.

Misi Dari Cryptogene 
Cryptogene bertujuan untuk memberi para anggotanya kemampuan untuk menjadi bagian dari industri blockchain yang sedang berkembang dengan kemampuan untuk membuat penilaian berdasarkan informasi mengenai peluang investasi atau membangun dan mengintegrasikan blockchain ke bisnis dan aktivitas sehari-hari mereka. Kami sedang membangun aplikasi blockchain yang menyediakan solusi pendidikan, hyperledger dan infrastruktur pertukaran untuk Afrika dan masyarakat lokal.

Detail Penjualan Token
Selama penjualan, Cryptogene akan mengumpulkan dana untuk pemasaran dan Pengembangan proyek Cryptogene.
  1. Nama token: CGT
  2. Platform: Waves
  3. Jumlah token yang tersedia: 50.000.000 CGT token
  4. Pre sale dan Ico sale: 25.000.000 CGT
  5. Pengembang,Team: 10.000.000 CGT
  6. Stake holder: 10.000.000 CGT
  7. Marketing: 5.000.000 CGT
  8. Menerima pendanaan melalui: BTC,ETH dan WAVES.
              Token CGT dapat ditransfer ke wallet waves manapun. Salah satu bursanya mendukung mata uang lokal Afrika dan akan membuat ketentuan untuk USD dan EURO. CGT juga bisa diperdagangkan di bursa-bursa besar di seluruh dunia.

              Untuk Info Lebih Detailnya Bisa Kunjungi Link — Link Di Bawah Ini :
              1. Website :
              2. Whitepaper :
              3. Twitter :
              4. Telegram :

              Created By : Dxdiax26

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              Jumat, 22 September 2017

              Change - The First Decentralysed Crypto Bank

              Cryptoworks are currently hit, there are more and more money in them, and slowly the institutional investors in the game are slowly entering. All this creates more and more people with capital for spending and investing as well as speculation. It is increasingly complicated to use a large number of tools and services that surround the market. Due to this fact, more and more projects are based on crypto-base to facilitate the use and completion of the offer on the market.One such project is Change.

              What Is Change Bank?
              Change is for the purpose to become the first crypto bank. Through a decentralized bank, which means that it does not have a central ownership, investors could invest their cryptoids into some investment opportunities they deem appropriate and benefit from. It will also have a card that allows you to spend your crypts around the world or just keep them in your account. The platform will support most of the most famous crypts. By registering on Change platform you will automatically get a wallet. It is not necessary to convert the encryption into a fiat currency to pay, but the conversion is done at the time you pay. 

              This is great because in that case you benefit from the crypto volatility, And we all know we like to keep crypt valued more than fiat. You will also be able to invest in funds, stocks and other financial instruments. Until now, this could not be done easily, and we just need projects like Change. Change also issues its token, which drives the system's economy. For each purchase, you receive a rebate of 0.05% if you pay for other currencies, while the rebate is twice as big if paid in the Change Coin.

              The goal of Change is to provide “a revolutionary service to people from all over the world.” They want to remove borders in the financial sector and ensure that every citizen can access alternative financial services, “finally ending the artificial monopoly created by local regulators and traditional banks.”

              What is Change Wallet?
              The Change Wallet is a multi-asset blockchain wallet supporting a growing number of cryptocurrencies. Users are able to send and receive cryptocurrencies as well as pay for products and services.

              How does Change Wallet work?

              The wallet is created seamlessly upon signing up with Change. Users can access their wallets through the Change phone app. Payments and investments can be easily made through the app by entering the recipient’s address or by using a QR-code. Cryptocurrency balances can be checked similarly to the bank mobile apps.

              The Change Bank ICO
              The Change ICO is scheduled for September 16, 2017 at 7pm Singapore time (UTC+8) or 12pm London time (UTC 0). There will be a hard cap of 250,000 ETH for the entire ICO. 40% of the total supply of tokens will be sold through the ICO. 1 ETH will buy you 500 CAG.
              Bonuses are available based on the first 24 hours, first week, and second week. The ICO is open to anyone except those living in Singapore or the United States.
              • TOKEN SALE A token sale is the sale of a new cryptocurrency or token created by a company to its earliest adopters, in exchange for funding for further development. It is a sophisticated and democratic way to raise funds, where every investor – big or small – can participate.
              • MISSION At Change, we are building the first global bank, providing a revolutionary service to people from all around the world. Our mission is to remove borders in the financial sector, and to ensure that every citizen has access to alternative financial services, finally ending the artificial monopoly created by local regulators and traditional banks.
              • WHY AN TOKEN SALE As we are a bank for the people, we hold our community in high regard. We humbly invite anyone who shares our vision to join our movement and create Change.
              • AMOUNT RAISED Change is raising a total of 200,000 Ether. Investors can use Ether to enter the Token sale.Minimum investment: 0.5 ETH Exchange rate: 1ETH=500CAG
              • MISSION We are rewarding members of Change community that help spread the word of our Token sale. A total of 15% of all Change Tokens will be allocated to community, R&D, and bounties.Write us on our contact page to learn how to participate.
              • EARLY BIRDS Early investors will be rewarded with discounts and exclusive access to a Change Maker status, and a premium Change Black card.The first 500 investors will receive a discount of 30%, with other pre-sale discounts to be announced.
              1. Q1 2016: Change is founded in Singapore.
              2. Q2 2016: Change receives USD 200k as concept validation
              3. Q1 2017: Leading FinTech companies join Change in its vision.
              4. Q2 2017: Change Beta Testing 2000+ people in waiting list
              5. Q3 2017: Launch of Change Coin through an initial coin offering (ICO)
              6. Q1 2018: Delivery of first Change crypto cards; beta for marketplace launched.
              For more detail, visit :
              Whitepaper : Whitepaper

              Created By : Dxdiax26 
              My Profil Bitcointalk :;u=969150
              My Ethereum Address : 0x10A35953C43cF6f7FdFA7E43A18474bB905cD21B

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              Kamis, 21 September 2017

              Ethereum Dark - Is An Anonymous Trading Platform

              Scrypt and General Info:
              Ethereum Dark is a simple PoW/PoS coin (mainly PoS), no ICO so everybody gets a fair chance from the start. In general, our aim is to have profitable, secure and anonymous trading. The development team will retain some of the supply to ensure the blockchain works smoothly, once everything is up and running we will decide with the community what to do with those coins, you can read about our ideas in the roadmap section below and make sure to comment any suggestions that you would like us to consider! We hope you are looking forward to participating!

              Scrypt Info : 
              1. PoS Percentage : 10% Annually/0.83% Monthly
              2. Block Reward : 3 coins 
              3. Total Supply : 4.2 million coins 
              4. Additional Info : To stake you must leave the coins in your wallets and leave them on (24/7 for best results)
              Initial Supply and Rollout Info: 
              1. Initial Supply = 2940000+ 
              2. Proof of Work Difficulty = 0.05650192
              3. Proof of Stake Difficulty = 0.00024414
              Our vision converges around certain key aspects that have made many altcoins successful and more importantly profitable to investors: A scalable user-friendly platform that can easily be adopted in mass. We are constantly updating our roadmap since we are always looking for the best way to adapt to changing conditions. Here’s what we have planned for the future :
              • Initial release of the coin into the market, this will include a secure multiplatform compatible wallet that will allow you to trade the coin on multiple exchanges.
              • Bounty reward system: we are actively working on a bounty reward system for those who help us reach more people and help our blockchain.
              • Release wallet and blockchain explorer for Windows, Linux and macOS.
              • Working on creating our subreddit at the moment we will let you know once it is up and running.
              • Integration of smart contracts, this is a priority for us since if-then conditions have become one of the most sought after features after anonymity and active scaling 
              • Integration of cross chain swapping, this is an experimental feature on many altcoins. This feature will allow trading on multiple block chains without going through an intermediary such as shapeshift. We think that it is invaluable and are working around the clock for its implementation 
              • Finally, a decentralized payments system that will be involving physical merchants, online point-of-sale and user-to-user transfers.

              Why Ethereum Dark ?
              1. P2P. Send transactions to anyone through P2P network.
              2. Instant Transactions. Lightning fast transactions give you a peace of mind.
              3. Low Fees.Grow more by paying lower fees per transaction.
              Where To Buy ?
              Link :
              1. Windows Wallet:!BDgVUCyD!HbWkyrRteXsMlYfqtNWnZg
              2. MacOS Wallet:!BDgVUCyD!HbWkyrRteXsMlYfqtNWnZg
              3. Linux Wallet:!BDgVUCyD!HbWkyrRteXsMlYfqtNWnZg 
              4. Source (GIT):
              5. Explorer:
              6. Blockfolio:
              7. Official Site:
              8. Support:
              9. Twitter:
              10. Facebook:
              11. Coinmarketcap:
              Created By : Dxdiax26

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              Sabtu, 16 September 2017

              Power Ledger - A decentralized peer to peer energy exchange platform

              What is a Power Ledger?
              Power Ledger is a peer to peer energy trading platform integrated with existing electrical systems. It may seem far ahead of time but once you consider the energy landscape in Australia, it will inevitably fill the void.Australia has the highest solar system adoption among households in the world. A 1 kilowatt solar panel will produce 4.2 kwh in Australia compared to 3 kwh in Europe. Government rebates for the adoption of solar systems are also a major factor in adoption. Although the rebate is no longer present the adoption seems to have gone up in the following years due to the lower cost of solar panels.
              Power Ledger has developed a series of world-leading blockchain energy applications, such as our P2P energy trading app that enables businesses, such as Utilities, to host trading on the Platform. Blockchain technology provides a transparent, auditable and automated trading and clearing mechanism for the benefit of producers and consumers. Our technology enables the sale of renewable energy surplus generated in residential and commercial development (including multi-unit / multi-tenanted) connected to existing power distribution networks, or in micro networks. Power Ledger puts the power to manage the energy economy into the hands of consumers, while keeping the value of existing distribution networks.
              How Does a Power Ledger Work?
              There are two types of tokens, POWR and Sparkz, POWR tokens allow Host Applications and their consumers to gain access to P2P trading features and other Power Ledger applications. Sparkz, a "low level" token, is specifically limited to representing the token value of electrical units in various markets around the world. The POWR Token is an access token, such as a software license, which gives the Host Application the ability to transact on the Platform, via POWR proof trading for Sparkz.
              Power Ledger Platform App

              1. P2P Trading. Application Class This platform gives retailers the ability to empower consumers (or in an unregulated environment, consumers themselves) to simply exchange electricity with each other and receive real-time payments from reconciliation systems and automated and untrusted solutions. There are many other immediate benefits such as being able to choose a clean energy source, trade with neighbors, receive more money for excess power, benefit from the transparency of all your trades with the cost of a blocked settlement and a low cost leading to lower power. bills and better returns for investments in distributed renewable energy.
              2. NEO-Retailer. Application Classes This platform provides Neo-retailers' retailers with smart demand and inventory management, along with instantaneous remuneration and payment settlement while managing consumers exposed to non-supply risks.
              3. Microgid / Embedded Network Operator / Strata. Applications This type of platform enables electrical metering, large data acquisition, fast micro transactions and grid management on an unprecedented granular scale. Trading in embedded networks destroys the nexus between generation ownership and energy consumption which means value can be derived from investment in DER even if investors are absent or not consuming all the energy they produce.
              4. Wholesale Market Completion. Application Class This platform offers fast and transparent optimization and management of fast and transparent delivery, data aggregation, reconciliation and completion for the wholesale energy market.
              5. Automatic Asset Management (AA). The current Platform Application allows for (1) joint ownership of renewable energy assets and (2) the trade of ownership of renewable assets. AA is able to buy and sell its own electricity and distribute its revenue to the address of the assigned wallet.
              6. Distribution Market Management. Application This platform provides optimal metering data, large data collection, access rights and asset delivery, fast transaction settlement, network load balancing, frequency management, demand-side response and demand side and load management. Optimizing network assets is made feasible by the real-time remuneration of asset owners.
              7. Electric Vehicles. Application Class This platform facilitates real time metering data (interacts with Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP)), data collection, user identification and fast transaction settlement.
              8. Power Port. A Platform Application class where equipment types and roadside virtual pipeline can be automated through the platform, such as EVs, and can provide mobile storage storage facilities that keep the energy supply to energy consumers are mostly independent.
              9. Carbon Trading. Application Class This platform offers smart contracts for carbon dealers to ensure digital transactions between organizations; asset credibility using unchanged ledger technology; and transparency and auditability. It supports the reporting and submission of carbon credits or certificates to the appropriate authorities.
              10. Transmission Exchanges. In the management of transmission networks, the Platform can provide real time metering data, large data collection, rights to access and deliver assets, fast transaction settlement, network load balancing, non-stationary energy response.

              Power Ledger Token

              POWR will be created as an ERC20 token on the Ethereal blockchain and will be integrated into Power Ledger as the main interface token. This is basically a protocol token that not only provides access to the Ethereumpowered platform for users to purchase electricity with it (or through their local utilities) but also acts as a reward or incentive for power producers and consumers who complete their production and consumption through the Power Ledger platform.
              • Total token to be created: 350,000,000 POWR
              • only accept payment by: Ethereum
              • Sparkz token will be the same as the local currency of the country. In Australia 1 Sparkz = 1 cent AUD

              The POWR token is requested to produce Sparkz. Sparkz is a token of the local market level and is priced with the currency of the country in which they are placed. This helps facilitate easy transactions between parties.

              Bonus Purchase Token POWR
              You will get a bonus if you purchase POWR token at the beginning of Pre-sale and bonus details as follows. 
              1. Week 1 15% 
              2. Week 2 10% 
              3. Week 3 5%
              4. Week 4+ 0%

              Roadmap :

              Team Of The Power Ledger Project :
              1. Bill Tai (Board Advisor)
              2. Dr. Jemma Green (Founder and Chairman)
              3. David Martin (Co-founder and Managing Director)
              4. John Bulich (Co-founder and Technical Director)
              5. Dr. Gov van Ek (Founder and Director)
              6. Jenni Conroy (Co-founder and Corporate Secretary)
              7. Dorjee Sun (Community Manager - Asia)
              8. Nuno Martins (chief technology officer)
              9. Marc Griffiths (Ethereum Engineer)
              10. Garry Hasler (Senior Software Developer)
              11. Vinod Tiwari (Business Sales and Development Actor)
              12. Kristian Myhre (Energir System Specialist)
              13. Sheree Ip (Legal and Compliance)
              14. Alasdair Penman (Computer Programmer)
              15. James Eggleston (Analyst)
              16. Meagan Cojocar (Analyst)
              For More Information Can Visit Link Below:
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              Jumat, 15 September 2017

              BitJob - Pasar Mahasiswa P2P Yang Terdesentralisasi Untuk Pekerjaan Jangka Pendek

              Pada era yang serba digital dan dengan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi blockchain, membuat persaingan di dunia kripto semakin ramai. Banyak para pencipta platform mengembangkan inovasi-inovasi yang membuat  persaingan semakin ketat. Platform yang memakai teknologi blockchain dengan mengadaptasi kemampuan itu kami menciptakan bitJob. bitJob menggabungkan keuntungan dari micro-gigs dan situs penawaran freelancer-centric, dengan menciptakan Proyek Blockchain Hybrid pertama yang memungkinkan koneksi peer-to-peer dengan pengusaha dan siswa. Dengan kata lain bitJob dapat didefisikan sebagai platform Semi-Desentralisasi, menggunakan metode pembayaran terpusat (uang fiat) dan mata uang kripto digital terdesentralisasi, yang dikembangkan pada Kontrak Smart Ethereal.

              Bitjob lahir dari kesadaran TIM bahwa Universitas dan Kolese tidak cukup memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mendapatkan pengalaman kerja yang berarti. Bagi banyak siswa yang termasuk di antaranya, satu-satunya kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pengalaman berharga ini adalah dengan mengikuti magang yang tidak dibayar, yang secara finansial tidak dapat dipertahankan. Kemudian pengembang-pengembang dari masalah diatas telah menemui solusi yang pas. Dan akhirnya para siswa yang masih menempuh pendidikan bisa mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan dan pengalaman pada saat masih berada di sekolah. Selain itu ketika kita beralih keposisi eksekutif, kita menjadi sadar akan kesulitan dalam memperkerjakan pekerja temporer berkualitas yang sesuai dengan harapan kita. Kecocokan bitJob menggunakan tujuan P2P dengan menawarkan cara P2P bagi pengusaha dan karyawan sementara untuk terhubung dan dengan demikian memberi kesempatan siswa untuk menghasilkan uang dan mendapatkan pengalaman yang relevan sambil memberi kesempatan kepada pekerja yang berkompeten, dan secara ekonomi layak untuk bekerja.

              Apa Itu BitJob ?
              BitJob adalah proyek ambisius dan sosial Berdasarkan teknologi Blockchain Ditujukan untuk merevolusi cara siswa mencari nafkah dan mendapatkan pengalaman kerja saat masih belajar. BitJob akan memberi siswa kesempatan untuk menerima pembayaran segera atas kemampuan mereka dari atasan profesional dan untuk mempertajam keterampilan mereka sambil memperkaya resume dinamika mereka, kapanpun dimanapun.BitJob akan memungkinkan siswa untuk berhenti menunda-nunda dan mengubah waktu luang mereka menjadi pendapatan yang cepat dan stabil, sambil memperkaya portofolio dan resume online mereka.

              Platform yang satu ini selalu transparan, aman dan terlindungi. BitJob telah dikembangkan dan dirancang oleh para profesional. Berdasarkan dari hasil pengamatan selama ini, platform yang bertujuan seperti bitJob mempunyai potensi keberhasilan yang tinggi. Tulang belakang buku besar yang terdesentralisasi dan memiliki beberapa tingkat keamanan yang menjamin transparansi dan keterbukaan di semua tahap transaksi pasar bitJob, antara siswa, pekerja lepas, dan pengusaha. Hal yang seperti ini yang membuat platform sangat layak untuk dipublikasikan. Saat pengguna mendownload aplikasi bitJob mereka akan mengkonfirmasi rinciannya dan harus memberikan nomor siswa yang benar/terkini yang dikaitkan atau terdaftar di organisasi pendidikan, atau universitas. Alamat penyimpanan unik akan dihasilkan untuk mereka untuk mereka yang berada dalam jaringan Ethereum. Kemudian alamat tersebut digunakan sebagai data transaksi pembayaran untuk mentransfer dana dari token dan dari token ke bitJob.

              Bagaimana BitJob Bekerja ?
              Saat pengguna mendownload aplikasi bitJob mereka akan diminta untuk mengkonfirmasi rinciannya dan harus memberikan nomor ID siswa yang terdaftar di Organisasi Pendidikan, Perguruan Tinggi atau Universitas. Alamat penyimpanan unik akan dihasilkan untuk mereka di dalam jaringan Ethereal. Alamat ini akan digunakan untuk mentransfer dana dari Service Finder ke penyedia layanan dalam hal ini para siswa. Penyedia layanan akan terlibat langsung dan dipekerjakan oleh Finder Layanan atau disewa melalui proses penawaran.
              Di platform bitJob akan ada proses penawaran yang ditawarkan oleh penyedia layanan kepada pencari layanan. Jika proses lelang telah selesai, penyedia layanan dengan penawaran terbaik akan dipekerjakan oleh pencari layanan. Sebelum penyedia layanan melakukan tugasnya terlebih dahulu, mereka akan membuat kontrak di BitJob sebagai Escrow.

              Token BitJob
              Penawaran Awal untuk membawa proyek ini berkembang pesat sekarang sedang berlangsung dan inilah rincian yang berkaitan dengannya:

              bitJob menggunakan Token yang disebut Student Coin (STU) semua kontributor yang hendak menerima token STU dengan berpartisipasi dalam kampaye pendanaan yang direncanakan pada bulan September 2017. Pra-Penjualan Toke akan dimulai pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2017. Mengirim 1 ETH dalam akun bitJob akan memberikan 1.000 STU, jumlah STU ke Ether akan berubah-ubah dan jumlahnya menyesuaikan harga Ether intu sendiri. Kemudian untuk total suplay dari STU selama ICO dibuat sejumlah 100.000.000.

              Keuntungan Bergabung Dalam Proyek BitJob :
              1. Bitjob mempunyai Blockchain Alpha platform yg sudah Terdesentralisai.Desentralisasi Bitjob terutama untuk pemrosesan transaksi,lelang,pelacakan,kontribusi dan pendistribusian dana yang memungkinkan penghapusan pembayaran prosesor,mengurangi biaya beban operasional,dan mengurangi biaya yang terkait dengan akutansi dan duplikasi fungsi yang tidak efisien.selain itu ia melindungi terhadap penggelapan dana, pencurian dan penipuan.
              2. BitJob dirancang dengan tingkat keamanan menjamin transparansi dan keterbukaan disemua tahap transaksi pasar BitJob, antar siswa, pekerja lepas, dan atasan.
              3. Bitjob mempunyai platform pertama yang akan menjadi Hybrid dari 2 paradigma arsitektur. arsitektur server-client terpusat yang sekarang digunakan kebanyakan orang di Dunia perOnlinenan.Begitu pengguna terbiasa dengan platform dan penerapanya memuaskan, pengguna akan di dorong untuk berinteraksi melalui bagian Blockchain, yang memungkinkan mereka membayar layanan dengan mata uang Digital dan memperoleh pendapatan melalui cetakan Mata Uang Digital.
              4. Peserta BitJob akan memiliki reputasi yang ditugaskan kepada mereka, untuk memungkinkan mereka mengakses remunerasi sesuai dengan tinggkat keterampilan mereka, Semakin baik reputasi Individu, berdasarkan bitJob sebelumnya, semakin tinggi harga yang bisa mereka perintahkan untuk pekerjaan satu jam,dan akanmeluncurkan pemasaran afiliasi untuk menyebarkan berita di seluruh dunia, Untuk menjangkau siswa sebanyak mungkin, BitJob telah menghasilkan program penghargaan yang luar biasa yang akan memberi para mitra BitJob penghargaan dan deviden masa yang akan datang. 

              Roadmap :

              Tim Inti Dari Proyek Bitjob :
              1. Dror Medalion, CEO & Co-Founder
              2. Bogdan Fiedur, CTO & Co-Founder
              3. Aviad Gindi, CFO & Co-Founder
              4. Elad Kofman, CMO & Co-Founder
              5. Micha Roon, Ethereum Pengembang
              6. Alex Oberhauser, Blok Rantai Technologist
              7. Lior Zysman, Hukum & Peraturan
              8. Yao-Chung Hu, Komunitas Manager- Asia
              9. Anton Livaja, penuh tumpukan Web Developer & ahli Lingual
              10. Max Aigner, Blok Rantai Pengembang
              11. Patrick Mockridge, Rekrutmen Strategist
              12. Cyril Alvarez Adriaansen, BitJob Duta Besar & Web Designer
              13. Yoel Lapscher, BitJob Duta Besar & Industrial Insinyur
              14. David Mirynech, BitJob Duta Besar & Blockchain konsultan

              Dewan Penasehat Dari Proyek BitJob :
              1. Prof. Bhagwan Chowdhry, Profesor Keuangan & Director, UCLA
              2. Dr. Theodosis Mourouzis, Kriptografi Phd di UCL & CIIM Business School
              3. Anish Mohammed, Timbal Security Architect, HSBC / Ripple Proyek
              4. James Gonzalez, Public Relations & Penasihat Pemasaran
              5. Alejandro Gómez de la Cruz Alcaniz, Blockchain Ahli Hukum
              6. Aaron Schawrtz, Akademik Engagement & Penasihat Bisnis, BEN
              7. Marloes Pomp, Blockchain Proyek - Pemerintah Belanda
              8. Jason Cassidy, Media & Penasihat Community Engagement
              9. Edward Ruchevits, Lead Back-end pengembang
              10. Alexander Rugaev, ICO Kampanye & Penasihat Strategis
              11. Brennan Bennett, Blockchain Sistem Informatika Mentor
              12. Alena Vranova, Penasihat Bisnis, Keamanan & Dompet Spesialis

              Untuk Informasi Lebih Lengkapnya Bisa Kunjungi Link Di Bawah Ini :
              Created By : Dxdiax26

              My Ethereum Address: 0x10A35953C43cF6f7FdFA7E43A18474bB905cD21B
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