Selasa, 13 Februari 2018

Dimensions Network - A Decentralized Centralized Derivative Trading Platform

Take it or leave it, crypto-currency market powered by Blockchain technology has come to stay and will continually advance to dominate the way the economic community interrelate and interexchange between one and another on a global scale. This is simply and unarguably affix to the fact that the new industry is operating in a fairer, community-centered and secure manner as against the conventional institutions.

Cryptocurrencies have produced exceptional results in recent years, and outperformed all major benchmarks. The growth of the cryptocurrency ecosystem and development of additional use cases is disrupting business on a global scale. With such explosive growth and speculative interest,volatility within the cryptocurrency markets will remain elevated. This volatility is driven by the significant trading / investment activities, development of additional use cases, and the uncertainty of future government regulation. A 2016 joint report from Coinbase and ARK Invest estimates that 54% of Coinbase users use bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency, strictly as an investment.

Fundamentally the value of cryptocurrencies will grow and contract following changes in the network effect and success of use cases. Increased adoption will help to drive prices, but hedging strategies and diversification will become vital to protect one’s portfolio value. In general, we consider cryptocurrencies to be similar to commodities, and the natural next step is the development of a trading platform for Options, Futures and other Derivatives.

Blockchain technology has a number of technical challenges which need to be solved before it can become mainstream. Numerous organizations have formed to address these challenges, and the majority are working on the necessary Research and Development to take cryptocurrencies to the next level. In most cases there is not a clear path for a Return on Investment for those funding the

one of the challenges that have hitherto confronted the market is that there are no stable but diversified trading platforms where participants can get equal rewards for been active in this chain of business. This challenge and it paraphernalia over the years has made investors model and remodel different strategies to ensure quality provision of crypto currency to the general public. This is the premise that ignited the creation of

What Is Dimensions Network ?
Dimensions’ is a multifaceted, community-driven and Blockchain-based ecosystem working to simplify the procedures of trading different crypto currencies, worldwide. The project is building the next generation of Cryptocurrency trading platforms. The platform will support customary coin pairs, Options, Futures Contracts, Exchange Aggregator and much more. The platform as a future-thinking bionetwork anticipates a great interest in these new derivatives and a substantial return on investment.

Moving accelerative, the platform will multiply their services onto a decentralized network, and provide the platform’s users cryptographically secure derivative trading, and eventually a real-time transactional currency courtesy of the platform. The sketch that follows compares the operation of the centralized platforms with the decentralized with Dimensions as case study.

This is overview of how we are delivering solutions which ensure that the future of derivatives trading is fast, simple and fair.

Visiom And Mission Of The Dimensions Network Project

Vision : Build and operate the most professional cryptocurrency trading platform, with a full range of services from coin pair trading to options, futures and other derivatives. Establish ourselves as the leading Centralized and Decentralized trading platforms within the crypto ecosystem with interconnected liquidity pools. Disrupt the fiat currency system by using our hard fought innovations to establish a real‐time cryptocurrency with global reach and accessibility to the masses.

Mission : A financially sustainable approach to cryptocurrency trading and development, and to overcome major technical and industrial challenges facing the crypto industry.

Approach : 
  • We constantly survey the market and stand on the shoulders of giants when building our platform.  
  • We use systems and software used by the major banks to achieve scalability and redundancy of our trading platform.  
  • We follow industry established lessons learned where possible. 
  • We deliver both centralized and decentralized solutions, and link them together to give our customers the best choice and experience. 
  • Operating the business will give us valuable market insight and connections with our customers.  We will use this information to develop technologies and products which better match our customer requirements.   
  • We will utilize our profits to further develop our platform, which will add the strength of our platform and give us a competitive edge. 
  • We target developments which produce a soon, certain and positive impact to our revenues, and do not reinvent the wheel or waste precious resources when existing open source solutions are available. 
Stakeholders : 
  • We are highly conscious about return on investment. With our proven start‐up background, 
  • we understand very well what it means for a business to be generating revenue soon after it has launched. 
Umbrella Plan 

  • Centralized Platform — Rapid Revenue Generation. Build a scalable high performance trading platform for: coin pairs, margin, shorting, options contracts, futures contracts. This platform will deliver significant financial returns as the appetite for hedging and leverage grows, and will help towards funding future developments. Our Institutional clients will be drawn to our platform by our multi-exchange Liquidity Aggregator. We will pursue banking licenses in multiple jurisdictions to guarantee our users the ability to deposit and withdraw FIAT.
  • Decentralized Platform — Security and Transparency.second objective is to utilize decentralized networks to replicate our platform. This will allow unrestricted, fully transparent trading, free from centralization risks. The initial Liquidity on this decentralized network will come from linking this new decentralized platform to our existing centralized platform. The two platforms complement one another and allow breathing room for the future development of decentralized technologies and protocols.
  • Real Time Currency.the third objective is to produce a real time transactional currency and exploit our customer base to gain traction in key markets
Exchange Aggregator

The Institutional clients will be drawn to the platform by multi-exchange Liquidity aggregator. A key requirement to attract institutional clients to the platform is to have the best market liquidity. To this end dimensions network will build an Aggregator which connects the platform to all major exchanges via their APIs and adds their liquidity to our own.

We will provide FIX API for users to connect to either exchange or any of the major exchanges for their orders. Also the user can use FIX API to indicate if they want the best price for their orders or use a particular exchange to execute the order.

The Challenge : 
A hedge fund wants to purchase 20 Million USD of ETH. They need an exchange or OTC facility which can accept their 20 Million USD without problems or delays, then purchase sufficient cryptocurrency without impacting the current market price. The hedge fund does not want to deal with multiple exchanges to try to spread the order across the market, they want a single point where they can buy and sell at the best possible price. 

The Solution: 
The second phase in our roadmap is to obtain a banking license, as this will allow us to accept and 
send large fiat transfer without issues. We will accept their funds and use the liquidity on our 
exchange, and the many other exchanges we are connected to, to source the required quantity of 
coins with the minimum impact to the market price on any one exchange. We will use the forex 
markets to match our clients’ currency with the purchase currency on the relevant exchange. 

Trading Engine
dimensions network trading engine is written in Erlang to allow for maximum availability and scalability.
“Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real‐time systems with 
requirements on high availability. Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e‐commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. Erlang’s runtime system has built‐in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance.”

The trading engine consists of matching engine for each financial instrument. Where each matching
engine runs as a node under the umbrella of the exchange.
Initially the exchange will support the following order types, and then expand as required by our
  • Market Order 
  • Limit Order 
  • Stop Loss 
  • Stop Limit 
  • Trailing Stop Loss 
  • Trailing Stop Limit 
Strike Coin (STC) Token and Token Sale:
Strike Coin (STC) is a token issued by Dimensions Network to carry out a number of functions. 
Initially the token will be used to distribute rewards to our token holders. A share of the trading fees 
generated by Dimensions Network will be shared with our token holders as a ‘reward’. 

Why Token Sale: 
We have considered different funding options, and after several rounds of discussions we decided 
on a token sale. The significant benefits of a token sale include: 
  • Token sales allow everyone, from all walks of life, to join an early stage business and benefit from the success of the business. This is in stark contrast to Venture Capital where only “approved” wealthy investors have access to such early stage businesses. 
  • Every token holder can be considered a stakeholder in the business and has a desire for us to succeed. Our token holders champion our services and help us to grow our platform and user base. 
ICO Critical Dates:   

Token Sale Start  24 Jan 2018 06:00 (UTC) 
Token Sale Finish  24 Feb 2018 06:00 (UTC) 

Token Details :   
Name : Strike Coin 
Symbol : STC 
Type : ERC 20 
Decimal Places for Smallest Unit : 18 Places 
Issuance Price  1 ETH : 2,400 STC 
Target to Raise : 50,000 ETH 
Currencies Accepted : ETH 
Maximum Possible Issuance : 240,000,000 
Restricted Countries * : USA 

* Due to recent regulatory sensitivities we will not be accepting contributions directly from investors in the USA. IP blocking has been implemented to limit access to the token sale page by devices operating from this Restricted Country. 

If you are a US resident, you must be an “accredited investor” to participate directly. Non‐accredited articipants are not able to purchase STC tokens directly. You may be referred to purchase through a third‐party fund that may be able to make a contribution on your behalf. 

Marketing Strategy: 

Our token holders will be key stakeholders and brand ambassadors to champion our platform. Word 
of mouth is the single most effective method to build trust in the community and introduce new 
customers to our platform. 


More Information :

Whitepaper : Whitepaper

Created By : Dxdiax26

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Kamis, 08 Februari 2018

PARKGENE - Melakukan Peer To Peer Parking Revolution Pada Blockchain

Sebagian besar layanan parkir saat ini melibatkan pembelian tempat parkir jangka panjang, sehingga para pengemudi hanya membutuhkan parkir jangka pendek dengan alternatif yang terbatas. Dengan menggunakan teknologi blockchain dan kontrak cerdas, aplikasi kami memungkinkan pemilik parkir untuk menyewa tempat parkir mereka dalam jangka pendek, dengan efektif mengisi ceruk ini dan menyediakan driver dengan pengalaman parkir yang lebih baik.

Jawaban bahasa Yunani untuk Bitcoin adalah Gene, diciptakan oleh perusahaan ParkGene, dan diperdagangkan di pasar online dengan sukses relatif.

ParkGene yang berbasis di Singapura praktis dijalankan dari Athena, tempat tim pendiri berada. Sejak akhir Desember ini telah sangat sibuk, setelah memulai penawaran koin awal sendiri (ICO), yang telah dilakukan dengan cukup baik mengingat telah menjual lebih dari 42 juta Gen. Koin yang dijual bernilai $ 4,2 juta (3,44 juta euro) dan targetnya adalah mencapai $ 35 juta pada 19 Februari. Modal ini akan memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mempromosikan Gene di seluruh dunia, dengan tujuan menjual 1 miliar unit.

Jadi apa yang bisa kamu beli dengan Gen? Untuk mulai dengan, "Anda akan bisa menyewa tempat parkir," kata kepala ParkGene Ilias Hatzis, pria di balik kripto kognitif Yunani. "Ini seperti Airbnb untuk mobil Anda," dia menjelaskan, mencatat bahwa tujuan perusahaan adalah untuk menembus pasar parkir internasional, senilai $ 100 miliar per tahun.

Menurut Hatzis, saat sebuah mobil meninggalkan tempat parkirnya, misalnya saat pengemudinya pergi bekerja, ruang tersebut disewakan kembali dan bisa digunakan oleh seseorang yang mengunjungi kawasan tersebut. Mungkin ada pertukaran antara kedua pembalap, dengan ParkGene mengumpulkan sebuah komisi kecil

PARKGENE adalah cara yang mudah dan aman untuk menemukan tempat parkir, menghubungkan driver, perorangan, dan bisnis. PARKGENE PTE LTD (Singapura) adalah spin-off PARKGURU LTD (Inggris), penyedia Park-Pemesanan omni-channel paling maju di dunia saat ini. Kami ditetapkan untuk mengganggu industri Parkir tradisional, berukuran $ 100 Miliar per tahun dengan memanfaatkan teknologi blockchain PARKGENE's Peer-to-Peer. Kami berusaha untuk memberikan pengalaman parkir yang mulus, sementara pada saat bersamaan, membantu kota menjadi
lebih cerdas dan ramah lingkungan.

Visi kami adalah mengganggu industri tradisional - terutama offline - Parking , berukuran $ 100 Miliar per tahun, dan untuk memberi pengalaman berkendara yang lebih baik kepada pengemudi, sekaligus membantu kota menjadi lebih cerdas dan ramah lingkungan.Kami akan menetapkan token GENE sebagai mata uang untuk industri otomotif, yang memungkinkan pengemudi membayar parkir dan mengintegrasikannya dengan layanan mobilitas, kendaraan, dan infrastruktur otomotif.

Bagaimana Cara Kerjanya?
Pengemudi yang mencari tempat parkir terhubung dengan pemilik parkir melalui aplikasi PARKGENE. Setelah seorang sopir memesan tempat parkir, pemesanan tersebut memicu kontrak cerdas PARKGENE di Blockchain Publik Ethereal. PARKGENE App mentransfer jumlah biaya parkir penuh, dalam GENEs, dari dompet pengemudi, ke tempat penyimpanan (dompet sementara).

Jika pengemudi tidak memiliki cukup GENE, dia dapat menggunakan kartu kredit atau alat pembayaran lainnya (bitcoins, ethers) untuk membeli GENE secara real-time dan membayar transaksi tersebut. Pemesanan dan pembayaran yang berhasil menawarkan driver dan parkir. pemilik fitur tambahan yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan sesi parkir:

Misalnya, pengemudi akan memiliki kemampuan untuk membuka pintu garasi menggunakan ponselnya, sementara pemilik parkir diberi tahu dan bisa memonitor - video masuk kendaraan dan keberangkatan. Fungsi opsional ini dimungkinkan dengan menggunakan alat akses jarak jauh, yang saat ini tersedia di pasaran, terintegrasi di platform PARKGENE, atau melalui perangkat PARKGENE berbiaya rendah.

Pada akhir sebuah transaksi yang sukses, para pihak menyimpulkan sebuah kontrak cerdas mengenai Ethereum, dengan masuk dan konfirmasi mengenai blockchain tersebut.
Pemilik tempat parkir menerima 75% kontrak cerdas di token GENE, dari tempat penyimpanan ke dompet mereka, saat pengemudi check out dari tempat parkir.

Sisanya 25% didistribusikan sebagai berikut:
5% dari jumlah total dibayarkan kepada pemilik pengemudi dan pemilik tempat parkir karena mereka melakukan beberapa tindakan yang meningkatkan ekosistem (misalnya Rating, ulasan).
20% dari jumlah total dibayarkan ke PARKGENE untuk menutupi operasional, pengembangan, layanan awan dan biaya iklan.
Setiap saat, pengguna platform dapat membeli atau menjual token GENE untuk mata uang FIAT (USD, EUR, JPY, CNY, dll.) Atau kripto daya lainnya (BTC, ETH, dll.) Dengan menggunakan beberapa layanan pertukaran kriptocurrency yang memperdagangkan GENE token.

GENE tersedia dalam edisi terbatas dari 1,000.000.000 Token GENE.
Kami berharap bahwa peningkatan pengguna dan jumlah kontrak cerdas akan meningkatkan permintaan GENE di antara para pengemudi, yang menghasilkan token bahwa penyedia layanan lainnya (yaitu Tolls, Car Wash, Car Insurance, penyedia layanan Tow dll) akan menerima pembayaran untuk layanan mereka

Untuk menjalankan visi PARKGENE, kami meluncurkan Token Sale untuk menerbitkan token GENE di blokir Etereum publik. Token yang disebut GENE Tokens akan ditawarkan selama PRA-ICO Closed Round dan penjualan umum ICO.

Pada tanggal 15 Desember 2017, PARKGENE akan meluncurkan PRA-ICO Closed Round untuk mendistribusikan hingga 2% dari persediaan token (tutup keras selama PRA-ICO Closed Round Token Sale adalah 20 juta Token Gen). Untuk berpartisipasi dalam PRA-ICO Closed Round Token Sale Anda harus memenuhi syarat dan menerima undangan. [The PRE-ICO Closed Round adalah SOLD-OUT]

ICO Publik akan dimulai pada tanggal 15 Januari 2018, pukul 10.00 WIB, untuk mendistribusikan hingga 35% dari persediaan token.

Token GENE yang tidak terjual di fase ICO akan dibakar
ICO akan dilakukan di Platform Token Sale PARKGENE. Untuk dapat berpartisipasi dalam ICO PARKGENE dan mendapatkan Token GENE, Anda harus mendaftar untuk mendapatkan akun gratis. Token GENE akan dikeluarkan sebagai token cadangan ERC20 untuk blokir Etereum sehingga Anda memerlukan dompet Ethereal yang kompatibel dengan ERC20 untuk menerimanya.

Anda bisa membayar di Ethers, Bitcoins, Bitcoin Cash, Dash. Litecoin dan USD via wire transfer

Token GEN akan diterbitkan di Blockchain Ethereal di akhir Penjualan Token dan didistribusikan ke kontributor. Kami berharap GENE akan diperdagangkan di Bursa Cryptocurrency sesaat setelah penerbitannya.

ICO Tanggal mulai: 15 Jan 2018, 10:00 AM (GMT)
ICO Tanggal Berakhir: 19 Feb 2018, 10:00 AM (GMT)
atau sampai hardcap 350.000.000 token terjual

Bergabunglah dengan PARKGENE, sebuah game-changer dalam layanan Mobilitas bersama, dengan visi untuk menetapkan token GENE sebagai sarana pembayaran standar industri otomotif.

  • Token GENE: ERC-20 
  • 0x6dd4e4aad29a40edd6a409b9c1625186c9855b4d
  • GENE Harga: $ 0,1
  • PRE-ICO: Habis Terjual di Token 20M.
  • ICO Berakhir dalam 11 hari
  • Token Holder Protection: Dana yang disimpan di Escrow sampai akhir ICO, perlindungan volatilitas Cryptocurrency hingga 20%
  • USD Pembayaran diterima: PayPal, Credit, Wire Transfer
  • Pembayaran Crypto diterima: ETH, BTC, BCH, DASH, LTC

Kenapa Kita Perlu PARKGENE?
PARKGENE , berdasarkan kontrak cerdas di Blockchain Ethereal , akan menghilangkan ketergantungan pada sistem terpusat antara peserta transaksi, dan secara signifikan akan mengurangi biaya parkir untuk pengemudi, sekaligus menawarkan sumber pendapatan alternatif kepada pemilik parkir. PARKGENE memberikan pendekatan inovatif, keterbukaan, kenyamanan dan kemudahan penggunaan untuk memungkinkan industri parkir dan pemangku kepentingannya untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan kota ke tingkat yang baru.

Keuntungan utama yang mereka bawa di pasar adalah sumber pendapatan tambahan bagi perorangan dan bisnis dan mengurangi driver dari tekanan untuk menemukan tempat parkir dengan menciptakan persediaan tempat parkir, yang tidak tersedia di pasaran saat ini. Hal ini dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam tingkat lalu lintas kota yang berkurang. Selain itu, mereka memiliki model penetapan harga yang lebih murah dan dinamis dan mereka menggunakan infrastruktur yang ada, sehingga menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk membangun tempat parkir baru. Tempat-tempat pribadi juga bisa dilakukan, tanpa perlu meninggalkan kunci Anda ke petugas parkir.

PARKGENE adalah orang-orang yang memiliki solusi terhadap masalah terbesar yang dihadapi pesaing mereka. Mereka menyediakan:
  1. Keamanan dan transparansi.
  2. Kepatuhan terhadap peraturan.
  3. Pemasaran global.
  4. Scaling.
  5. Motivasi dan Keterlibatan pengguna.
Visi mereka adalah mengganggu industri parkir tradisional (terutama offline), berukuran $ 100 miliar per tahun, dan memberikan pengalaman parkir yang lebih baik kepada pengemudi, sekaligus membantu kota menjadi lebih cerdas dan ramah lingkungan.

Token GENE yang tidak terjual di fase ICO akan dibakar
ICO akan dilakukan di Platform Token Sale PARKGENE. Untuk dapat berpartisipasi dalam ICO PARKGENE dan mendapatkan Token GENE, Anda harus mendaftar untuk mendapatkan akun gratis. Token GENE akan dikeluarkan sebagai token cadangan ERC20 untuk blokir Etereum sehingga Anda memerlukan dompet Ethereal yang kompatibel dengan ERC20 untuk menerimanya.

Anda bisa membayar di Ethers, Bitcoins, Bitcoin Cash, Dash. Litecoin dan USD via wire transfer

Token GEN akan diterbitkan di Blockchain Ethereal di akhir Penjualan Token dan didistribusikan ke kontributor. Kami berharap GENE akan diperdagangkan di Bursa Cryptocurrency sesaat setelah penerbitannya.

Roadmap Project PARKGENE :

Pengembangan Platform dan Peluncuran Komersial 
Park Booking Platform telah dikembangkan dan berhasil diluncurkan secara komersial dalam bentuk produk layak minimum yang tersedia sebagai PARKGURU

Desember 2017 
Pra-ICO Closed Round
2% token akan didistribusikan selama Pre-ICO Closed Round
Penjualan Token Januari 2018
Hingga 35% token akan didistribusikan untuk mendanai pengembangan proyek PARKGENE dan peluncuran komersial

Februari 2018 
Peluncuran versi PARKGENE Beta
Meski versi Beta adalah produk yang berfungsi penuh untuk iOS, Android dan Web, kami menggunakan fase ini untuk mengumpulkan umpan balik pengguna untuk mengoptimalkan pengalaman

Mei 2018 
PARKGENE Rilis resmi
Peluncuran Resmi dan Kampanye Periklanan Global. PARKGENE tersedia di lebih dari 20 bahasa untuk menangani khalayak global

2018 - 2019 
Pertumbuhan Masyarakat
Kami memperkirakan 5 juta pengguna aktif PARKGENE pada akhir 2018 dan 15 juta pengguna aktif pada akhir 2019

PARKGENE Lanjutan 
Pengembangan global
Memperluas Teknologi, Basis Pengguna, Ekosistem mitra, mengantarkan era baru layanan parkir

Tim Dari Proyek PARKGENE 

Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjutnya Silahkan Kunjungi Link Di Bawah Ini :

  1. Situs web:
  2. Whitepaper:
  3. Facebook:
  4. Youtube:
  5. Twitter:
  6. Instagram  :
  7. Linkedin:
  8. Telegram:
  9. Github:

Create By : Dxdiax26
My Bitcointalk Profil :;u=969150
My Ethereum Address :  0x10A35953C43cF6f7FdFA7E43A18474bB905cD21B
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Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

LiveEdu - Decentralized Streaming Learning Application Blockchain

When you think of blockchain, you usually think of crypto diarrhea like Bitcoin, Ethereal, and Litecoin. While this is interesting and disruptive to their own right, this is a non-currency currency blocking app that can really revolutionize how we do business.The most obvious place we will see is the global software sector and blockchain technology, especially as a tool for controlling or direct streaming in cyberspace.

But how many blockchain technologies are there now, and how fast are they launched?

To help answer that question, liveedu wants to bring an online streaming video streaming platform for consumers and developers to help them gain more through the technology available and allow both parties to interact without third party involvement. This first lineage demonstrates the current situation and technology A very promising blockchain can offer technology and software.

The clearest target for breakdowns?
If you have a basic understanding of the potential of blockchain technology — that it will make the third party inseparable — and you have a basic understanding of the current value chain of digital technology (there is a huge amount of waste, with 44 percent of every $ 1 going to be intermediaries) , it is quite clear that the most mature industry for disruption is to create a streaming application of cryptocurrency based learning.

The speeds used by these companies are intriguing and somewhat inevitable, given the tremendous growth rates seen across all current digital currency exchange

“What surprises me is how quickly a large number of projects and startups appear to attack the lowest hanging fruit, which is why this is not a one-time effort.”
So why is this, the associated ICO market, and other applications of blocking technology explode so fast?

“Because people realize that ICO (or Token Generating Event, which is a SEC-friendly version) is a ‘killer app’ from the blockchain era,” For the first time, anyone can create open source software (as opposed to proprietary software, closed) that can be utilized, modified, built on, branched, and maintained which also have models to provide ongoing support and maintenance.of the project.”That’s important, because everything is changing, there is even an open source methodology.

In contrast to the way traditional open source projects, such as Linux or Apache, are funded — this is the foundation of a ‘hat cap’ every year for large companies to get their funds, “however, now with a blockchain-based cryptographic benchmark that can value value as it grows network utilization, the people who create valuable open source projects have a way to make money from the value they create and support sustainable development forever. And those who support it from the start can benefit enormously.”The initial scene is a bit rare, and there’s plenty of white space to fill in. But there’s blockchain-powered software technology available today to help determine if this will really be the annoying force we’re after.

Of course, some people think blockchain is a bubble ready to explode, while others point to a constant power struggle as banks, governments, and regulators are trying to control the technology, and now I introduce a new project-based on software technology using such an application nice has some interesting features -LiveEdu


Live and video streaming has become one of the most popular online learning methods for teaching college students and professionals practical skills. It has resulted in new methods for teaching worldwide. Despite the current number of online learning platforms available for beginners, there is a definite lack of a practical project-based learning platform for learners who have passed the beginner stage and are interested in real practical projects. LiveEdu is building the world’s largest project-based learning (PBL) library on any topic starting with the seven topics programming, game development, data analytics, design, augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies. The aim is to develop a decentralized online learning ecosystem that is not reliant on learning theory but practical useful career skills.

The LiveEdu peer-to-peer marketplace will connect streamers (content creators) and viewers (learners) from all over the world. The idea being that streamers will create educational premium projects and are paid a monthly lifelong royalty fee if their projects are watched by viewers. The immediate business objective behind the LiveEdu crowdsale is to build 3,500 premium projects with 500 premium projects for each of the seven topics. LiveEdu also seeks to bring cryptocurrency to the masses by educating college students and professionals using real practical cryptocurrency tutorial projects covering cryptocurrency basics, blockchain mining, Bitcoin, Ethereum, security and ICOs. In this paper we will elucidate the benefits of project-based learning as well as the token mechanics for the EDU smart tokens and how we intend to fully integrate EDU into LiveEdu

What Is LiveEdu 

LiveEdu is a decentralized peer-to-peer project learning platform for people to improve their job skills in future technologies. LiveEdu is building the YouTube for online education and professional development. We are taking one category out of YouTube and building it out into a bigger category of its own. Just as Twitch took the category gaming out of YouTube and built it into its own large vertical, LiveEdu is taking the category professional development out of YouTube. The main participants in the LiveEdu network are project creators, viewers, moderators, API developers, colleges,schools, libraries, businesses and third-party online education companies. We are an existing business, with team members from Amazon and Y-combinator.

LiveEdu is building the world's largest project learning network starting with the eight topics: artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, game development, data science, cryptocurrencies, programming, design, and augmented and virtual reality. Our network will be all opened for all topics in 2019. We aim to develop a decentralized online learning network that is not reliant on learning theory, but practical career skills by using real complete projects. Project creators create educational projects and are paid monthly, lifelong royalty fees as viewers learn from their projects. We are emulating the token model of Steemit and applying it to LiveEdu. In this paper we explain the token mechanics for the blockchain EDU smart contract tokens and how we intend to fully integrate EDU into the whole product, internal and external ecosystem.

LiveEdu Platform and API Ecosystem

  • List of Topics and Categories. LiveEdu covers seven topics; programming, game development, design, data science, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies. Each of these seven topics contains its own sub-categories. The six other new topics were launched in August 2017 and LiveEdu does not yet have significant content for them. Currently, there is no premium project content on LiveEdu except for programming. Our plan is to use part of the funds from the ICO to incentivize streamers to create premium projects.
  • Main Product Features: Live Streams, Videos, Chat. Content on LiveEdu is organized around projects. Each project contains a live streaming channel, video project playlist and live chat window. ​Each live stream is archived automatically as a video. LiveEdu gives content creators the ability to deliver their projects via live stream or offline recording. There are two main types of projects on LiveEdu; premium tutorial projects and non-premium projects. The interactive live chat is the main mode of Q & A communication between a content creator and viewers. Learners ask questions, give suggestions for improvement and also socialize with other learners. When a learner opens a live stream he can see the live channel, chat window, project description, curriculum and downloadable resources. Content 10 creators use the streaming software client Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) to stream their desktop, audio and camera to one of the LiveEdu streaming origin servers.
  • Premium Tutorial Projects. Premium tutorial projects are projects created with the sole intention of teaching learners. They are fully narrative, structured, contain well drafted project descriptions, streamed at same weekly schedule and have downloadable project resources.The creation of premium tutorial projects undergoes a strict content moderation process to ensure the highest quality standard. Creating a premium tutorial project requires the content creator to spend time preparing the content. The content creators selected for premium tutorial projects have vast real industry experience, with at least four years in their field.Below are examples of premium tutorial projects from the fields of data science and programming that explain how LiveEdu teaches learners how to build real products: Project Title: Python Data Analytics and Visualization, Project Title: How to Create a Dating Web App in Node.js, Project Title: Machine Learning Model: Python Sklearn & Kera
  • LiveEdu API Ecosystem and Third-party Apps As. LiveEdu seeks to position itself as the major tutorial learning platform in the world, an API will help to make this into a reality. Authentication and access controls are performed using standard and widely supported OAuth2 protocol. The API is available over HTTPS and follows RESTful conventions. Third-party developers can build their own complete applications on top of the LiveEdu API. This can be bots, mobile apps, websites, widget or plugins. One of such example is the LiveEdu streamer Iamvalerio who is using the API to build a LiveEdu Android app.

Project Team :

Michael J. Garbade
Founder & CEO

Alex Zhukov
Backend Development

Ilya Toka
Frontend Development

Muhammad Shoaib
Content Creator Relations

Country Manager China



Product Development

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Created By : Dxdiax26
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