Rabu, 15 Februari 2017

Cara Mudah Deposit Di Bitluna


     Cara Mudah Deposit Di Bitluna karena banyak permintaan dari member saya yang meminta saya buat ngebantu bagaimana cara Deposit di Bitluna ok malam ini saya akan membahas sedikit cara tentang bagaimana Cara Mudah Deposit Di Bitluna langsung ke TKP aja ya gan hhe katimbang kelamaan cekidot :D

Berikut adalah Panduan Lengkap Cara Mudah Deposit Di BitLuna

Bagi agan-agan yang ingin melakukan investasi di BitLuna, kali ini saya akan berbagi Cara Mudah Deposit Di Bitluna Simak berikut caranya:

Deposit di BitLuna ada 2 cara yaitu dengan membeli langsung AdPacks ( Kalau di wallet Payment nya sudah ada saldonya) dan jika belum ada Saldonya silahkan deposit dulu menggunakan bisa Bitcoin,Payza,Payeer,Perfect Money dll yang di sediakan oleh pihak Bitluna Tergantung kita mau pakai yang mana bebas hhe.Stelah deposit masuk ke wallet lalu baru dilakukan pembelian AdPacks.

Cara Mudah Deposit Di Bitluna :

1. Pertama silahkan agan masuk keakun agan terlebih dahulu setelah itu lengkapilah profil => change    payment detail agan, silahkan isi Wallet sesuai yang agan inginkan kalau disini saya menggunakan Wallet Bitcoin dan  Perfect Money setelah sukses jangan lupa buat di save. selanjutnya ikuti langkah berikutnya.


2. Langkah selanjutnya masuk ke Dashboard agan setelah itu tinggal pilih mau deposit pakai Payment    apa tapi disini saya pakai Bitcoin masalahnya waktu pengisian Profil Payment tadi saya memasukan  wallet Bitcoin saya.

3.kemudian akan di bawa ke halaman seperti gambar dibawah ini.Setelah sampai disini kita tinggal isi    saja kita mau depo berapa Dollar contoh Gambar di bawah ini kita mau Deposit $15 maka kita cukup  ketikan Angka 15 doang saja gak usah pakai ( $ ) setelah itu Payment Methodnya saya pilih Bitcoin    masalhnya dari awal saya isi Wallet Bitcoin di Profil payment. setelah itu klik Add Balance.

4.Selanjutnya, Kirim ke alamat pembayaran tersebut dengan total yang tertera.Contoh disini saya     Deposit $15 setelah itu tinggal nunggu Bicoinnya masuk di saldo Payment Bitcoin kita dan tinggal beli   adpacknya.

Cara Beli Adpacks Di Bitluna

1. Silahkan Klik Earn Money - Purchase Ad Pack setelah itu tinggal isi sesaui yang kita inginkan karena dari contoh kita tadi deposit $15 maka di amount to purchase hanya cukup buat beli 3 Adpacks per adpacks $5 setelah itu pilih payment methodnya yang udah ada saldonya dan klik purchase Adpacks dan Adpacks berhasil di tambahkan . :)

2. Setelah AdPack Aktif, Maka agan akan mendapatka profit 1,25% Pasif dan 1,25% active klik iklan,jadi per hari total Anda mendapatkan profit 2,5%.

3. Selanjutnya saya akan menjelaskan cara bagaimana klik iklan untuk dapat 1,2% active nya.
    - Klik menu EARN MONEY
    - Klik menu VIEW ADS
    - Klik Iklan yang ada
 Nanti akan muncul tab baru, tunggu bentar lalu selesaikan captcha nya sampai succes centang. Close Tab.Selesai , lakukan seperti itu sampai 10 iklan selesai , dan dikerjakan setiap hari.Lakukan Klik iklan tiap hari di Bitluna Agar Menambah Penghasilan dan dapat profit 2.5% tiap hari

Strategi Investasi di Bitluna dengan modal $15

Strategi di bitluna simple kok, ketika Anda sudah melakukan pembelian adpack misalkan 3 Adpack dengan total pembayaran $15, maka ketika total balance anda mencapai $5 dari hasil 2.5% langsung bisa dibelikan adpack lagi, agar penghasilan Anda terus bertambah/semakin meningkat tiap hari/bulan.

Strategi ini dilakukan, jika Anda yakin bahwa BitLuna akan bertahan lama, bila tidak yakin bisa mengunakan balance awal selamanya dan bila sudah mencapai modal awal lansung saja di Withdraw

Berikut bukti Withdraw dari BitLuna

Catatan : Untuk mendapatkan earning atau profit 2.5% harus klik iklan di view ads minimal 10 iklan tiap hari, bila tidak klik hanya 1.25% saja yang di dapatkan.

Demikian tutorial Cara Mudah Deposit Di Bitluna, semoga membantu dan bermanfaat.
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Kamis, 02 Februari 2017

Coinomia Review Earning Potential $65,610/Day Legit or Big Scam?

Coinomia Review … Welcome to my Coinomia Review!There has been a TON of buzz about this latest company to spring up so I decided to investigate what it was all about…
What is Coinomia? 

Coinomia is an opportunity that provides the user a platform to mine Bitcoins, Ethereum and other Alternate Coins without owning and maintaining a complex hardware setup. We also sell the most efficient and reliable rigs for mining to produce profits for the users. Users can also gain power by inviting friends to Coinomia. We are Mining since early 2014, even before Ethereum was Live ! we have centers across the world and we have invested in latest ASIC chips and mining equipments. Coinomia is an application for mining in Cryptocurrencies with any of the available gadgets, a user have. Designed to cater both new miners and power users, Coinomia requires no configuration at any device. The power allotment can be managed from anywhere and can be distributed among various Cryptocurrencies.

That dons’t mean this is scam o , We still don’t have many information about this opportunity, but I sincerely  admit that I have never seen such an opportunity with very positive wide reputation and many people talking about it before the launch that is the biggest Per-Launch opportunity in 2016,  I have met many top internet marketers leaders and I have seen all of them are talking about Coinomia and promoting it as well.

Here are some proves

Coinomia Reviews Products (Packages)

1. Package #1
    PV = 1
    Mining Power = BTC 3 TH/s   
    ETH .58 MH/sPackage #1: POOL CONTRACT
    Direct Referral Commissions = 8%

    PV = 11
    Mining Power =  BTC 30 TH/s
    ETH 5.8 MH/s
    Direct Referral Commissions = 10%

3. Package #3: RACK CONTRACT
    PV = 115
    Mining Power = BTC 300 TH/s
    ETH 57.7 MH/s
    Direct Referral Commissions = 12%

PV: Potential Volume is used to manage calculation for binary commissions. PV’s on both legs (Right and Left) are matched in equal proportions.

Referral Income: Direct Commissions are the commissions that a user receives as soon as he introduces some one into the system. Determination of commission depends upon the highest purchase made by you.

Very Powerful Packages! And it gives good commission in return, but remember you need to do you hard job at Per-Launch time, you need to build your team,  you need one in the right leg and one in the left leg.

Coinomia Compensation Plan :
3 Ways to earn money from COINOMIA:

Referral Commission

The time you introduce someone to Coinomia, you are eligible for a referral commission between 8% – 12%. Determination of commissions depends upon the purchase made by you.

Binary Income 

Binary Income is income from matching!As soon as the direct member joins the network, you get a direct referral commission upto 12% (Depending upon his contract). As of now, when you already have 1 member under you in one of your Leg, you place the other one on the weaker leg to match the Potential Volume. Thus, by matching 1:1 PV, you get Additional $10 Binary commission for matching.

Repurchase Income

Repurchase Binary features table binary in the multiples of 3:3, 9:9, 27:27, 81:81, 243:243, 729:729,2187:2187, 6561:6561. You can earn upto $65610 daily if you and your team perform the level best. To get the benefits of Repurchase, you need to repurchase the product and get incentives from your downline.

Points to Remember:

#1 Spill Placement in extreme Right/Left !User can add any member on his extreme right or Left to expand the team !

#2 Daily Cap of 20 PV! Matching = $200/Day for first purchase Binary.Assuming 180 PV’s Happen On Your Left Leg In A Given Day And 22 PV’s Happen On Your Right Leg , You Will Be Paid For 20 Matching PV’s From Left And Right = $200 ” ” The weaker leg will be flushed and power leg will be carried forward – In this case 158 PV’s will be carried forward ”

#3 Other Important Points:

Affiliate Fees :Every User has To Pay Mandatory Annual Affiliate Fees of $100 and this is only paid once u make money with coinomia during your first withdrawal /12 monthly withdrawal.Binary Volume Banking.Volume Banking Starts Moment Your Account Is Created In The System . However For FREE Members volume will be deleted after 30 days.First Purchase Binary Commissions / Repurchase Binary Commissions.It is mandatory to have one direct referral in both left and right legs in order for user to start earning any kind of binary commissions.
You can also generate income without even purchasing any contract through direct referrals!

Create a free account!
Refer users using your referral link. Introduce them to Coinomia.Expand your team. As the time they make any purchase, you will be eligible for aDirect Referral Commission of 5% of their contract!Isn’t that cool, I think this is can really changes thousands of people life!

1. The free user will only be eligible for Referral commission of 5% on the contract purchase        from his direct referral.
2. There is no bar in referring users. The user can refer any number of members.
3. The user will not be eligible for Binary Commissions or Repurchase Commissions.
4. In case, the user purchases any contract before the expiry cycleof 24 hours, he will also be     eligible for MIning income and Binary Commissions too.
5. Withdrawals can only be made when the affiliate panel is active.
    User can activatehisAffiliate panel by paying Affiliate fee of $100/ year.

Yes, cryptocurrency is Secure.Cryptocurrency miners help keep the network secure by approving transactions. Mining is an important and integral part of Cryptocurrency that ensures fairness while keeping the Cryptocurrency network stable, safe and secure. Cryptocurrency is a decentralised system, it pushes some security responsibility and control to the end users, especially responsibility for securing private keys that are used to validate transactions. Cryptocurrency security does not rely on access control. Transactions can be conducted over a public network, cannot be forged, and cannot be modified once validated by several nodes on the blockchain. Transaction data cannot be used to re-send payments, as the transaction is only good for those recipients who can unlock the transaction by having the proper key.

Coinomia sounds so promising and you are not losing anything, you can try it for $100 or just for free, this opportunity is a win win, and no one loss,  as my experience don’t miss such an opportunity.   You can join our solid team as I have mentioned that I personally joined under the top leaders as well, so they will signup a people and I will signup others, join our solid team and leaders to get the benefits of the spillover rotator in our system. you can even message me privately or contact me on facebook .

EXCLUSIVE Benefits For Those Who Join With Us
Members who join Coinomia via the link above will be joining the TOP team in the company!We offer the following EXCLUSIVE benefits to members who join our team:

EXCLUSIVE Facebook Training Group for YOU and YOUR TEAM!
EXCLUSIVE Peronalized Sales Site for YOU and YOUR TEAM!
EXCLUSIVE Email Funnel for YOU and YOUR TEAM!
EXCLUSIVE Promotional Materials for YOU and YOUR TEAM!
EXCLUSIVE Crypto Education and Training for YOU and YOUR TEAM!
EXCLUSIVE Webinar Presentations for YOU and YOUR TEAM!

                                                        Happy Earning.

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